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Soonchunhyang Medical Science 2010;16(2): 205-209.
장애평가의 개념과 쟁점
이경석, 김라선, 김성호, 심재준, 도재원, 배학근
Concept and Controversial Issues of the Disability Evaluation
Kyeong Seok Lee, Ra Sun Kim, Sung Ho Kim, Jae Jun Shim, Jae Won Doh, Hack Gun Bae
Corresponding Author: Kyeong Seok Lee ,Tel: +82-41-570-3652, Fax: +82-41-572-9297, Email: ksleens@hotmail.com
Disability evaluation is the most important procedure in the welfare for the disabled. There was a major shift from the medical model of disability to the adoption of the interactive model and the impacts of environmental factors in all aspects of health and functioning. By the literature review, we compared the medical model and the social model of the disability for a better disability evaluation scheme. We explored the concept and structures of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). We tried to explain the concept and controversial issues of the disability evaluation. The ICF was designed to record and organize a wide range of information about health and health-related state. However, the ICF is a new classification method, not an assessment tool for the severity of the disability. For the disability evaluation, it would be better to use the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences (KAMS) guides for the disability evaluation, which was published by KAMS. To make a good welfare for the disabled, Korean medical doctors should learn the KAMS guides. It is necessary to study and participate in the development of the better evaluation scheme.
Key words: Disability evaluation; Disabled persons; World Health Organization; Public health
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