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Soonchunhyang Medical Science 2010;16(2): 269-272.
급성 뇌경색 환자 중 흡연군과 비흡연군의 뇌혈관 질환 위험인자의 차이
김도의, 김지선, 허덕현, 이경복, 양광익, 노학재, 안무영, 황혜원
Differences in Risk Factor of Ischemic Stroke between Smokers and Non-Smokers
Doh Eui Kim, Ji Sun Kim, Deok Hyun Heo, Kyung Bok Lee, Kwang Ik Yang, Hakjae Roh, Moo Young Ahn, Hye Won Hwang
Corresponding Author: Kwang Ik Yang ,Tel: +82-41-570-2290, Fax: +82-41-579-9021, Email: kiyang@sch.ac.kr
Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Although cigarette smoking has established as an important risk factor for stroke, the atherosclerotic effect which was based on observational studies was controversial. We were to compare profiles of the risk factors between smokers and non-smokers, and investigate the differences in risk factor of ischemic stroke. Patients were selected from 748 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke. The smoking was categorized into nonsmokers (never smoked regularly or stopped regular smoking ≥5 years ago) and smokers (regular smoking within the last 5 years). We compared profiles of the risk factors between smokers and non-smokers, and investigated the differences in risk factor of ischemic stroke. Much of a differences were existed in the distribution of risk factors between 574 (72.8%) non-smokers and 215 (27.2%) smokers. The frequency of hypertension was higher in non-smokers than in smokers (73.2% vs. 62.3%, P=0.002) and that of hyperlipidemia was lower in non-smokers than in smokers (20.4% vs. 26.5%, P=0.041). Our study suggests that the frequencies of major risk factors of ischemic stroke are much different between smokers and non-smokers.
Key words: Ischemic stroke; Smoking; Risk factor
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