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Soonchunhyang Medical Science 2010;16(2): 216-221.
위선암에서 Cdx2와 p53의 표출
양승하, 김병흠
The Expression of Cdx2 and p53 in Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Seung Ha Yang, Byung Heum Kim
Corresponding Author: Seung Ha Yang ,Tel: +82-41-570-2423, Fax: +82-41-575-2420, Email: ysh1405@sch.ac.kr
Gastric carcinoma is one of the frequent malignant tumors in Korea. It is well known that the expressions of oncogenes have relationship with the morphologic features, tumor progression, depth of invasion and lymph node metastasis. It has been reported that the expression of Cdx2 gene has not only related with histologic types and progression of the tumor, but also prognosis of the patients. The p53 modulates cell proliferation and overexpression of the gene results in malignant transformation of the normal cells and effects on the prognosis of the patients as well. The expressions of Cdx2 and p53 with the clinopathologic parameters were evaluated by immunohistochemical methods in 129 cases of gastric carcinoma. The Cdx2 and p53 were expressed each in 51.7% and 77.7% respectively in the gastric carcinomas. The Cdx2 was expressed more frequently in intestinal type than in diffuse type (P= 0.005), and also expressed more frequently in moderate to well differentiated tumor than in poorly differentiated tumors (P=0.001). In the advanced carcinoma, Cdx2 was expressed significantly according to the invasion depth (P=0.017). In the early gastric carcinoma, the expression rate of the Cdx2 was higher in intestinal type than in diffuse type (P=0.008). The expression rate of p53 was higher in advanced carcinoma than in early carcinomas (P=0.040).
Key words: Cdx2; p53; Gastric adenocarcinoma
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