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Soonchunhyang Medical Science 2010;16(2): 222-225.
갑상선암 세포주와 갑상선암 조직에서 Gelsolin 유전자의 DNA Methylation의 양상
고희자, 전성완, 김여주, 김상진
DNA Methylation of Gelsolin Gene in Thyroid Cancer Cell Lines and Thyroid Cancer Tissues
Hee Ja Ko, Sung Wan Chun, Yeo Joo Kim, Sang Jin Kim
Corresponding Author: Sang Jin Kim ,Tel: +82-41-570-3672, Fax: +82-41-574-5762, Email: ksj1113@schmc.ac.kr
Gelsolin is an actin-binding protein involved in dynamic changes of the actin cytoskeleton. The protein regulates the length of actin filaments by binding, severing, and capping the fast-growing filament ends and promotes actin nucleation. Gelsolin is widely expressed in normal tussues. Decreased gelsolin expression occurs in many transformed cell types and in carcinomas of the colon, bladder, breast, lung, stomach, and prostate. Transciptional silencing of tumor suppressor genes by aberrant methylation of CpG islands plays a crucial role in the development of various cancers. Noske et al. showed inactivation of gelsolin might be mediated by epigenetic modification. But there is no information about the relationship between the gelsolin gene and thyroid cancer. We investigated DNA methylation in thyroid cancer cell lines and tissues from papillary thyroid cancer. We performed reverse transcription- polymerases chain reaction with methylation inhibitor 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine (DAC) treatment and histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) treatment in 3 thyroid cancer cell lines, and combined bisulfite restriction analysis in 5 thyroid cancer cell lines and thyroid tissues from 12 papillary thyroid cancers. Almost all thyroid cancer cell lines showed promoter hypermethylation of gelsolin. Gelsolin was not methylated in all of 12 papillary thyroid cancer tissue specimens. DAC and TSA treatment did not increase the expression of gelsolin messenger RNA in thyroid cancer cell lines. These results suggest that DNA methylation of gelsolin does not contribute to thyroid tumor development, especially in papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Key words: Gelsolin; Thyroid neoplasms; DNA methylation
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