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Soonchunhyang Medical Science 2010;16(2): 226-230.
연부 조직에 잔류된 금속성 및 비금속성 이물질 Computed Tomography 계수의 임상적 의의
최환준, 이한정, 강상규
The Clinical Significance of Hounsfield Number of Metallic and Non-Metallic Foreign Bodies in the Soft Tissue
Hwan Jun Choi, Han Jung Lee, Sang Gue Kang
Corresponding Author: Hwan Jun Choi ,Tel: +82-54-468-9150, Fax: +82-54-463-7504, Email: medi619@hanmail.net
Computed tomography (CT) theoretically improved detection of foreign bodies and provided more information of adjacent soft tissues. The CT scanner and picture archiving and communications system (PACS) program proved to be an excellent instrument for detection and localization of most soft tissue foreign bodies above certain minimum levels of detectability. The characters of metal and non-metal material in penetrating trauma to the soft tissue, it is often underestimated by physical examination. So, diagnosis of a retained foreign object is always critical and difficult. From March 2007 to February 2009 a study was done with 100 patients who had soft tissue trauma. Axial and coronal CT images were obtained with a CT scanner (HiSpeed Advantage CT/i). And then, we measured CT Hounsfield units (HU) of foreign body to remain in the soft tissue. The metallic foreign bodies consisted of stainless steel (2,222±737 HU), titanium (2,921±218 HU), gold (2,908±325 HU), lead (2,758±539 HU), copper (2,909±228 HU), silver (3,069 HU) and mean value is 2,633±603 HU. Non-metallic foreign bodies consisted of silicone (278±120 HU), glass (947±523 HU), polyethylene (32±5 HU), polylactide plate (144±16 HU), stone (1,320±280 HU), plastic (-47 HU), wood (-464 HU) and mean value is 557±526 HU. The PACS program allows one to distinguish metallic from nonmetallic foreign bodies and to individually identify the specific composition of many nonmetallic foreign bodies. This program does not, however, allow identification of the specific composition of a metallic foreign body.
Key words: Computed tomography; Foreign body; Attenuation coefficient; Hounsfield unit
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