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Soonchunhyang Medical Science 2010;16(2): 231-236.
영양공급 프로토콜 적용 전후의 중환자 영양상태 및 재원일 변화에 대한 관찰 연구
하경호, 윤성우, 윤신의, 김태진, 한나, 이수경, 김영민
A Prospective Study of Nutritional Status of Critically Ill Patients and Length of Stay in Intensive Care Unit
Kyung Ho Ha, Sung Woo Yoon, Shin Eui Yoon, Tae Jin Kim, Na Han, Su Kyung Lee, Young Min Kim
Corresponding Author: Young Min Kim ,Tel: +82-54-245-5462, Fax: +82-54-245-5464, Email: ymkim70@gmail.com
Nutritional support in intensive care unit (ICU) patients is important because it is related with clinical prognosis. We investigated the nutritional support in ICU patients and compared it with evidence-based guidelines. To improve nutritional support, we used the protocol and evaluated its effect. Nutritional data were collected from ICU patients before and after the application of protocol (controls, n = 46; intervention group, n = 41). Until the 72 hours after admission, calorie and protein were supplemented mainly with intravenous nutrition. Since then, the proportion of enteral nutrition (EN) has been to increase. Among 42% of patients who had not taken EN on the 3rd day, we did not find any reasons about that. After application of protocol, mean delivered amount of calorie was increased from 33.1% ± 24.2% to 44.8% ± 27.2% and mean delivered amount of protein was increased from 23.8% ± 19.7% to 36.1% ± 23.0%. But the length of stay in ICU was not affected. We discovered that the application of protocol improved nutritional delivery, but it couldn’t affect the length of stay in ICU.
Key words: Enteral nutrition; Evidence-based guidelines; Clinical protocol; Nutritional support
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